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Home / DB4 PARTS / Suspension & Steering / DB4/5/6 Horn Push Assy
DB4/5/6 Horn Push Assy - AWP036
DB4/5/6 Horn Push Assy
Product Code: AWP036
Centre Button Colour:

£810.00 inclusive of VAT WAS £750.00

Product Description:

DB4/5/6 Horn Push Assy

The original horn push assemblies have long since been discontinued from production and have therefore become a much sought after item, with this in mind The Aston Workshop have recently spent time researching and collaborating with various manufacturers and are proud to announce the release of our high quality re-manufactured horn push assembly. The surround is of a Bakelite material not plastic and comes ready to wire and fit straight onto your Aston Martin.

All parts are of UK manufacture.

NOTE: We are also offering the opportunity to return your old unit to which we will give you 100 + vat on receipt.

Please contact us if you require any further information about this product:

Tel. +44 (0) 1207 233 525 or complete a request form here:  Contact Us  


DB2 Horn Push Assembly DB2 Horn Push Assembly
£450.00 exc. VAT
£540.00 inc. VAT

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